St Simon Peter employs specialist teachers and Educational Assistants to help provide Literacy and Numeracy support.

The Support Team delivers intervention programs to accelerate identified students. Collaboration and communication with classroom teachers is an important part of this process. In accordance with best practice, early intervention is our priority however support groups are offered throughout all year levels.

The Support Team at St Simon Peter regularly works in conjunction with speech therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, tutors and The Language Development Centre.

In our Kindy and Pre Primary years, the school provides a Speech and Occupational Therapy screening for each child. All students are regularly monitored through our Screening & Testing policy carried out in all year levels. Each year, meetings are held where teachers transfer students from class to class. In this meeting, staff are informed of any intervention strategies that have been used to assist students so that continuity from year to year is maintained.

Current programs offered at St Simon Peter are:


MiniLit is an intensive, effective early literacy intervention program for small groups, offered in Years 1 to 3. It is a synthetic phonics- based program aimed at students finding reading and writing difficult. Within the program, students are taught to identify all 44 sounds in the English language and use the sounds to read and spell with accuracy. It complements the whole class program of InitiaLit in Years 1 & 2. (Part of the MultiLit suite of reading programs)


MacqLit is an explicit and systematic reading intervention program for small groups of older low-progress readers. As with MiniLit, it focuses on students recognizing and using the 44 sounds in the English language to read and spell words and builds on learnt skills to break multi-syllabic words apart. It also includes all the key components necessary for effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.


LLI is an intensive, small-group program for students who are able to use their phonic knowledge to ‘decode’ words but often read slowly and without reading for meaning (comprehension). Within the lessons, Teachers and Education Assistants model fluency for our students, reading a range of quality texts, both fiction and non-fiction, alongside teaching comprehension strategies and questioning during the reading process.  


Mathematics intervention occurs within the classroom setting, where students are guided and supported in their understanding at their point of need. Using this ‘in-class’ model, allows a number of students to be assisted at any given time and as they require the help, allowing them to learn and participate with their peers.