The Physical Education program at St Simon Peter School involves students from Kindergarten to Year Six and includes weekly specialist lessons, weekly classroom activities, annual school sporting events which provide a competitive focus for the four school Houses (Prendiville, MacKillop, Salvatorian and Vincent) and interschool sporting competitions in the Norther Independent Primary Schools Sporting Association, NIPSSA.

The annual sporting events are spread across the four terms of the school year.

Term one has the House Swimming Carnival and NIPSSA Interschool Swimming Carnival.

Term two has the NIPSSA Winter Sports Carnival (interschool football, soccer and netball), the House Cross Country Carnival and the NIPSSA Cross Country Carnival.
Term Three has the NIPSSA Spring Carnival (interschool Basketball, Badminton and Rugby).

Term Four has the House Tabloid Sport Day, the NIPSSA Athletics Carnival and the NIPSSA Summer Carnival (interschool cricket, volleyball and tennis).

The weekly specialist PE program provides students with skills in a wide range of physical pursuits. It is very inclusive in its design and caters for a broad range of physical abilities and focuses on preparing the students for participation in the major sporting events in the school calendar and for their future involvement in high school and community sporting groups.
